Monday, July 12, 2010

Why Am I Teaching These Kids About British Boarding Schools?

Hello out there!

This morning I had a good talk with my Mom and went in to work to plan for my day. My summer class grew students over the weekend and now we have ten students! There is so much more we can do. The summer academy classes have this awful book that we have to follow. Today I had to teach about Eton, the British boarding school the Princes of England went to. I tried to describe it as Hogwarts without the magic.

I had my least favorite preschool class this evening. No real violence this evening, but no got a Roddy sticker. My friend Sandra has asked about these Roddy stickers and here's the lowdown:

We have these hand puppets that we use in the preschool classes. There is Roddy, a bald headed white boy; Mel, a blue bird that wears glasses and suppose to be a girl, Vic, a shy hedgehog that is dressed in pink bows, so it is suppose to be a girl, too; Ben, a bear who looks like he lived through the psychedelic period and has lived to tell the tale and Kev a frog, who has feet like a person. There are also videos that go along with two lessons in each each of the units for all four small star level classes that the group of five are all featured in. EF must make a fortune out of all the puppets that they sell because a lot of the kids beg to collect all five of them. We are suppose to give out Roddy stickers to each student as they leave the classroom. There are stickers of Roddy in about twenty different costumes that I have affectionately named including "devil" Roddy, " "Grim Reaper" Roddy, "Hawaiian" Roddy, "Sherlock Holmes" Roddy, "Doctor" Roddy, "Cowperson" Roddy, "and "Kid" Roddy. I'll try to provide some pictures someday. There is a huge picture of Roddy right outside the school. It's a little creepy.


  1. Thanks for the Roddy info! Is it like "green stamps" and once they get all the Roddy stickers they get the actual puppet? Do they have to "earn" their stickers with good behavior and demonstration of learning or is it just a "given" that they get one of these stickers of these rather gruesome sounding puppets? Interesting "reward" system concept...

  2. good post- I feel so Roddy educated. Can I have a Roddy sticker? (can you stick one on a postcard for me?! lol) My mom likes questions, did you notice? ;)

  3. Hi Sandra and Laura,

    The caregivers usually buy all of the puppets when they sign up their students. We are suppose to give the students a Roddy sticker at the end of every class, but if a student isn't following my expectations, or is just plain rude to a peer, a TA or myself, I don't give that student a sticker. I try to talk to them about it with a TA to translate and I usually ask the TA to translate the reason why to the student's caregiver. My boss is cool that I use it as a reward system, but not all of the other teachers do that.

    Laura- The Roddy stickers are pretty big for a postcard, but I'll try to hook you up with some in the future! Maybe a whole sheet!


