Monday, July 19, 2010

The Violent One Turns Angelic

I had a great start to my day by talking to Laura and my Mom!

I went in to work and realized that my summer class's plan outline was to teach about "the future" for two hours and the country of Poland for another hour. The future part was pretty easy, but I quickly realized how little I know about Poland. I was able to find a power point about some basic facts on Poland (all the students laughed about how "small" the population is) and some Chopin music to play. I did spend about ten minutes describing to them how it is possible to be one fourth Polish. It's pretty rare for most of the people in this city to be anything but Chinese! I made a pie graph of the nationalities I am (that we know about) and the students thought it was pretty hysterical. I also told them about perogies be relating them to dumplings and they thought it was disgusting to put butter on them! I tried to describe how they are cooked differently and soy sauce would not taste good on them! It turned out to be not such a bad class.

Then, an hour later I had an open door class with my least enjoyed preschool class with the violent child. An open door class is where the parents are invited in to watch the class period. I was really nervous about showing how I dealt with the chaos, but they were on their best behaviors with their families watching them. I was stunned. It was really easy. Then, the violent one's mom came up to me all huffy saying her son is just perfect. AHHHH! I told her we still had a lot of work to do, the violent one and me...

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