Saturday, July 24, 2010

The New Laminator

Today was another day that EF families elected to take off, so we had an inservice day today at work. We came in to plan individually and then had a workshop on how to run new course orientations for families before the start of a new course.

Next, it was back to creating more small star resources. I realize that it will be nice to have this all done, but we all have a lot more planning and grading to do over the summer, so I am not sure why we are getting this done now. Last weekend, we had fried the old laminator with all of our "art" work, so the school had to order a new one! We all were busy for the rest of the afternoon coloring, tracing and cutting out and gluing and arguing over what to watch or listen to on We ended up just grumbling together through it. The local teachers were trying to teach the International teachers how to say colors in Mandarin. I was trying, but it is hard! Much harder then numbers!

I went to the gym after work with Amy and something was up with the air conditioner. It's kind of cool not know what they are saying on the intercom every once in awhile. I like to use my imagination and make up stories of what people are saying to one another in Mandarin!


  1. Always the story-teller,Colleen! I look forward to your future novels about those conversations you are imagining...should be interesting!
