Friday, July 9, 2010

An Ark would have been nice tonight...

We had a huge rainstorm tonight that is just beginning to move into a drizzle. I was entirely drenched on my walk home from the gym tonight, but it felt really nice since it's been so hot here. Beijing was not build with a drainage system in mind so the water just pools and stands at the end of every sidewalk. I landed in a few puddles way above my ankles tonight.

I went into work really early to plan for the day. I thought my boss was going to observe my evening class, but she wasn't feeling well and left early.

My afternoon summer academy class has tripled in size overnight, which is nice, because we can actually play games and do pair-share activities now. I told the students that they could pick out some music online to listen to while they worked on a project and a big thirteen year old boy kept playing old school Backstreet Boys songs. It made me happy.


  1. Hee hee hee... Backstreet Boys! That's awesome! Glad that class is bigger now- will make it easier. :)
