Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Boom! Two Month Anniversary in Beijing!

It's my second month anniversary in Beijing today. I had the day off and have been pretty lazy. I slept in, chatted with Annie Erickson on Skype, and watched the "Bachelorette."

I attempted to find the National Museum of Art, but I couldn't find it after going through all four subway exits. I must have read something wrong. I did spend the afternoon walking around the Dong Si Hutong neighborhood. There were a ton of cute shops and lots of restaurants. I found a Wu Mart and got some cleaning supplies and mosquito plug in. I have seen a few mosquitos in my shower so I hope this will help get them out of my apartment. I found some pre-paid postcards at a China Post. I wonder how long it will take to get to the states? I went back to my neighborhood, picked up some sushi for dinner and have been enjoying watching the movie "Roxanne" on Hulu and writing out my postcards.

I did have a talk with my boss yesterday about the little boy with some issues in my Monday class and she was very supportive. She's helping me find an action plan and having a conference with the parents. She is also going to try to get that class out of the awful room we are in!

Tomorrow is my first day of teaching the summer course. We are teaching about the different countries featured at the World Expo. Tomorrow, we will be learning about China... I'm not sure that's such a great thing. The students have so much more to teach me about the subject!


  1. Congratulations! TWO MONTHS!! Woo Hoo!! Good find on the shopping trip. Is Wu Mart like Walmart?

  2. Thanks Sandra! Wu Mart is a sister store of Walmart. The one I went to was three floors. The first had nonperishable food, the second had perishable food and finally the third floor had every day needs. It was called a Hyper Wu Mart which I think is akin to a Super Walmart in the states.

  3. 2 months! Is it going by pretty quickly now? ♥♥♥
