Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Crazy Bus Ride during Rush Hour

I had today off from work. I spent the morning being lazy watching TV online and then got going cleaning and grocery shopping. Boring day off kind of stuff.

This afternoon, I met up with my boss Laura who helped teach me how to make a wire transfer at a bank a few neighborhoods away from ours. Beautifully, there is a Starbucks in the same complex as the bank. We both got iced coffees and enjoyed the air conditioning. We were in the Korean neighborhood of Beijing and Laura told me everyone in the shop was speaking Korean and not Chinese. I can't really tell, but I thought it was awesome she could.

We roamed around a big flea market across from another EF kids and teens school. It was fun looking around at some of the crazy, funny things. Laura is creating a box to send home of funny things she finds here in China.

We had a long, hot ride back to our neighborhood during rush hour traffic. People were literally standing on top of each other. I successfully bumped into perhaps ten people at any one moment with my clumsiness!

I spent this evening rehydrating and writing out postcards. Be checking your mailboxes! (OK, probably not for another week).

1 comment:

  1. Were the bus riders doing acrobatics? How do you stand on top of another person on a crowded bus? Yikes! Yeah for Starbucks...always makes life better...
