Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Girl Madonna Impersonator

Today was an easy Thursday. I went to the gym early, (well, early for me so far) and there was no one there. I had the place to myself with the exception of a few staff members.

For the first time I am completely done with all of my planning before the end of the week. It was nice to just chill in the staff room and organize my computer files and chat with everybody about their weekends. Every work afternoon should be that easy! Our new boss came in and is really making an effort to be very kind to everyone. I really have my fingers crossed that we will have a smooth transition.

Both of my preschool classes tonight were exceptionally good. In the second class, there is a little girl with the Western name of Sissy who was dressed Madonna style, circa the mid eighties. She was wearing a small little black shirt, a see-through black gaze skirt and fish net tights and lots of little girl jewelry. It was pretty funny. She started telling me about her outfit in Chinese and the TA was able to translate for me. She told me her mom let her get dressed all by herself for class.

Even though today was the first day of July, it was the coolest weather I have experienced here so far. It must have rained last night and it continued to rain until this afternoon. The air was delightfully lighter and smelled much better during my stroll home this evening.

1 comment:

  1. Finally some relief from the heat and humidity for you! Hurray! Sounds like your little Madonna is quite the dresser! Not sure how I feel about that....
    Glad you are "caught up" if not "ahead" at you can kick back and relax a bit.
    Have a good week!
