Monday, July 26, 2010

Forecast: Pollution

I walked outside today and saw the worst pollution haze I have ever seen in my life. It was nasty. Today has been really hot, but it is suppose to get worse on Thursday. This weather is not fun.

I taught my summer session class this afternoon. The class is constantly changing with new students every week. I am able to see some growth in a few of the students who have been in class since day one, but it feels like we are back to the start with the new students. Today we talked about sports, modal auxiliary verbs and Canada. At least I have been to Canada, and I was able to talk about Victoria. I told them about tapping trees for maple syrup and the students wanted to make pancakes and have syrup on top. It would be awesome if we could do that but we don't even have a working microwave at the moment, let alone a cooking space! I also had found a video online of Michael Buble singing the Canadian national anthem during the closing ceremony of the winter olympics.

This evening, I taught two preschool classes. They were both pretty good, but the parents complained that the rooms were too air conditioned! I don't think that is possible in this weather.

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