Friday, July 23, 2010

So Many Americans

This afternoon our school had forty American teachers transcend upon us as they came in to learn about our program. It was fun to hear voices from home. I was able to talk to a few teachers and answer a lot of questions. They are all being paid by EF to take students from the U.S. on trips to other countries. I met a few teachers who are going to Greece, Spain, Italy, France and China in future school breaks. They are being given an example "tour" here in China to model what their own tours should be like. I want to do that! They get to make some extra cash and travel the world. EF was hoping that if the teachers saw a school in action some of the teachers might want to apply to work in China. Many of them were quick to point out the lack of money Nick and I will be taking home even if we do a good job of saving in China! Nick quickly joked that he wouldn't be living in an apartment with a hot tube either in the United States.

I only taught once early elementary class this evening. There seems to be a lot of students on holiday right now and my class was pretty tiny. We reviewed for the test they had to take, and then in the second hour we talked about space. I found a cool NASA liftoff video that we watched twice!


  1. Are they suggesting you make more money in other countries and/or the cost of living is higher in China? Perhaps other countries provide housing,room & board, or travel expenses in addition to salary?

  2. Hi Sandra,

    We were just talking about how the American dollar is worth a lot more then China's RMB. I get paid a great wage here, the best out of all the other companies I researched, but once converted to American dollars, it is pretty low. It wouldn't be a good idea to work here if you had the hope to save a lot of money to bring home. I have a pretty high standard of living compared to a lot of people living in China. I'm grateful to have a steady job that I really enjoy!
