Monday, July 5, 2010

FIrst Day of the Summer Academy

We all survived the first day of the summer academy. My day was nothing out of the ordinary for a Monday since I won't be teaching my half of the summer term course until Thursdays and Fridays. We received a big shipment of Roddy crowns for the preschool classes to wear and they were a hit in the staff room.

I taught my awful Monday night preschool class tonight with the little boy who hits everyone. Today, he picked up a little chair and was about to pummel another student with it before I stopped it. I'm going to try to talk to my new boss about getting some support to help me with that class. I hadn't received any help from my previous boss and the customer relations person in charge of that class has such pressure to keep as many students enrolled as possible, I can't really count on her for any support in moving the student out of the class. The other two little boys are starting to pick up on the violent child's bad karma and it is making the class utterly miserable to teach and, I am sure, to be a student in. The EF kids and teens centers do not have any behavioral policy at all. My final class of the evening is very energetic, and of course, lost it as they always do during the final 15 minutes when they really should already by at home. I was also ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I hope your new boss is more helpful with the behavior issues in your class. If I were a parent of another child in that class I would be concerned about not only the physical safety around that violent child...but also how disruptive this is to learning...and if I were paying for it, as I assume they are, I would not be pleased with the school's response. The staff member that is trying to boost attendance should be careful about what she is "selling" until that problem is dealt with. I feel your frustration.
