Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's the Humidity that gets to you...

Oh the humidity...

It was another hot, unpleasant, pollution-y Beijing day outside today.

Inside, at school, I had a lovely day. I had fun with my summer course students. We watched an "Ellen" show interview with David Beckham because he is one of the featured sports stars in the students' texts. The students are really getting comfortable with auxiliary verbs and we read a little article about Canada. We made maple leaves and wrote facts about Canada on them to put up in the classroom. I had a low elementary study club in the early evening about clothing vocabulary. The school has a big box of dress up clothes (not fairly princess type of clothes, but normal street clothing that are all adult sizes) that I used to have the students race to see who could put on as many clothes and be able to give the names of all of the items.

This evening, I got some more insight on how to make money wire transfers from here to back at home. I've been learning a lot about asking for help in these last few months. Not just in an "any fool who decides to live in a country where they don't speak the language" kind of way, but in a real, personal way.

On a lighter note, I bought some good smelling mosquito spray. Didn't think it was possible, but it is in Beijing.


  1. Wow...what a productive day for you! Good job! Of course you would have to go to China to find mosquito spray that smells good?!?!?

  2. I miss you! I would help you if I could... ♥♥♥

    PS: Reilly's walking! :-D
