Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tired, Hot and Cranky Teachers, Tired, Hot and Cranky Students

It was rather a moody day at work today. A lot of my fellow teachers have had little sleep due to not having air conditioning in their own bedrooms for those who have shared housing. The students were also very cranky today due to the same reasons. In my first preschool class of the morning, I had a little boy make a biting gesture at the TA when she stopped him from hitting another boy. The boy made the biting gesture at me a few minutes later when I told him "no" about something. Rough! He's almost six years old and knows better.

I went out to the restaurant across the street with Claire today after work. Over our conversation she told me she was celebrating being in Beijing for a year today. She's resigned for another year at EF. It was fun to talk to her about her experiences so far.

After I left the restaurant, I made my way over to the gym and it still felt like it should be the middle of the day, and not eight at night. I've enjoyed watching people walk in an absolute crawl to get anywhere on days like today!

Captain's Log: 11 Weeks Down...

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