Thursday, July 15, 2010

They should feature these kids on "Sesame Street"

Here are a couple more pictures from yesterday. The street sign is from my neighborhood. It's one of the few things I can say!

Nothing too exciting today. I have finally figured out how to convert kilometers to miles (1.5 km equals 1 mile) which has come in handy at the gym. I should have been paying better attention at OLS when we were learning about how to make conversions! It would have come in handy now. Now, if I can only conquer figuring out Celsius!

I went in to work and planned for a bit before my preschool classes tonight. I had a thought while we were talking about the letter "M" in one of my classes how our school should be featured on "Sesame Street." Many of the four-year-olds I was teaching tonight can sight read quite a few English words. I couldn't do that at that age and I am a native speaker. Besides, I'd take a fun muppet over the Roddy and friends p characters any day.

Yesterday was disgustingly muggy, but today it was rainy and wonderfully cool.

P.S. For Jean: There are all these funky art supply stores right across from the art museum. A person can buy a huge bust of Shakespeare or Plato or Buddha or a copy of the David to bring home to paint. I saw and heard a couple arguing over which one to buy. They ended up with the David! I'll try to sneak a picture next time I go back. It was pretty funny.

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