Thursday, July 22, 2010


At almost 10:00 PM here it is still in the high eighties outside with 80% humidity and visibility is at one mile. Nasty! Today wasn't pretty. I drank a lot of water. A lot of water! People were walking around the neighborhood at a crawl when I went to the gym and got groceries this morning.

If I am home next summer, I am sure that I will be frolicking in the cool Northwest summer, wearing tie -dyed tee shirts and munching on as much hummus and vegetables as I can get, and trying to get myself out of the habit of boiling water! That will be the day...

However, in the present, I am trying to enjoy the hilarity of the heat, and am gearing up to host a bunch of Americans tomorrow at work. I'm been put in charge of making a group of teachers from the states feel comfortable before they join some of the afternoon classes at work. Not quite sure why they are observing our school, my boss doesn't even know, but it will be interesting.

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