Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Water Shortage in Building 8

This morning I started a load of laundry that stopped ten minutes into the cycle! Uh oh! Everything that goes wrong, like perhaps a broken washing machine or waking up to no power, just seem so much harder here since I can't communicate with most people here! Eventually, I realized that I was not getting any water out of the kitchen sink or the bathroom. Time to call Jason...

I called Jason and he laughed at me and told me I probably hadn't paid my water bill lately. I know that is posted directly to my apartment door, and I have never seen a bill on my door. He told me to go to the leasing office and call him back to translate. I went into the office with quite a few of my fellow renters all very angry. I gave my phone with Jason back on the line to one of the office workers who didn't let Jason talk very long before she started yelling to him on the phone. She must have been having a bad day. I got back on the phone with Jason and he told me that the whole building was having a water issue. Ahh... I asked Jason if he knew when it should be coming back on and he had no clue.

The water came back on around five this afternoon. Yeah! I was able to continue to wash my uniform.

It was bloody hot today! I went to the gym and went grocery shopping and watched a lot of "So You Think You Can Dance" and read the Oprah magazine my Mom sent me. Not too bad of a day off...


  1. Wow...can you buy bottled water (even if you have to re-boil it, just in case) so that you will have water to drink for future episodes of "no water"? Or maybe keep a couple big containers in the refrig??? YIKES!

  2. Hi Sandra! No worries. You can buy bottle water here on almost every block and it's totally fine to drink.
