Sunday, July 11, 2010

La Bamba

A group of us went out to dinner tonight after work to a Mexican restaurant called La Bamba. I had asked Stephanie earlier in the week if there was any Mexican restaurants in the city and she told me about La Bamba and organized a little outing for all of us. The restaurant is in the middle of the college bar district. The first floor has a bar and pool table and the second two floors are the restaurant. I was so happy to have chips and salsa and a vegetarian burrito. It wasn't quite as good as the Mexican food in Oregon but it was a nice trip for the taste buds. We hung out for a bit drinking beer and playing pool. I passed on going to another bar to watch the final World Cup game because I have to be at work at a decent hour tomorrow morning to do some planning, but it was really fun to get out a bit.

It rained for a lot of the weekend. I wouldn't call the weather cool, but it was a nice break from the heat! I have been appreciating it fully.

I was able to teach two really fun lessons. On Sunday afternoons I have been teaching a VIP student. Today we delved into poetry. I found some poetry by a few Chinese-American poets that we could listen to the poets read their works online and we looked at different rhyme schemes in a Shel Silverstien poem. The student taught me about tradition Chinese poetry's rhyme schemes. It was really fun. My final class for the weekend I had to teach a life club on space. The students were not interested, but I had fun planning for a different type of lesson.

Captain's Log: Nine weeks down...

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