Thursday, July 8, 2010

Excessive amounts of stamped paper

I went on a few missions this morning. First, I had learned at the beginning of the week that I can not transfer money into my bank account at home from here unless I went to a really big bank far, far away. So, I decided to get some money exchanged and send it via mail. Didn't sound so hard and other people at work had done it before...

I spent forty-five minutes with a teller seriously staring at me, staring at my passport and re-entering my passport number a million times. At least, that is what I think she was entering because it sounded like the same number of key types each time. Was she finding crazy information about me that I didn't even know? My mind went wild with possibilities, but in the end, I got some US cash and a lot of paperwork I can't read! She gleefully stamped every single piece of paper!

Then, I went to the post office. I talked to a man who was taping up boxes and he told me where to stand in line. I was luckily able to talk to someone with some English language and they were able to help me out. It took a long time. Does that mean my address here or my home address? Do I really need to provide ten secret questions and answers for my Mom when she signs for it? Questions like that... It was kind of hilarious how many times I would mess up a form or we couldn't communicate and have to start the form over again with a dramatic toss to the waste basket. After a lot of stamping and laughing at my passport and forty-five minutes later I was on my way to mail my postcards. I had gotten pre-paid postcards which was great, but the lady at the desk had to write USA in Chinese, which looks pretty awesome... At least I know how to do it now. China Post is not so bad as I thought it would be!

I got in to work and had to quickly write a lesson plan for today's class. I hadn't thought my errands would have lasted quite that long! I taught a three hour lesson to them on newspapers! My Journalism degree came in handy. There are only three other students in the class right now, but EF is hoping to add more in a few weeks. After that, I taught two more preschool classes to round out the evening. I did get home tonight and talked to Crystal and Reilly on Skype. Reilly waved to me!


  1. He totally did! His FIRST time waving back at someone! ♥♥♥

  2. :) So glad you got that moment with Reilly! :)

    And that is one crazy story about the postcards! Even crazier that you're mailing US money home!? That's kinda freaky! Why can't you wire it?

  3. The Reilly moment was pretty spectacular!

    I really don't understand why I can't wire money to my home account, but I went with a friend who could translate and she told me that the bank that I use here is too small to wire money over and the nearest bank that will wire money is pretty far away. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that China Post will get the job done. All part of the crazy adventure!
