Friday, July 30, 2010

Graduation Day

I started my day with a lovely Skype call with Meghan and an attempt to wire money home. I got off the bus at right place, it's a gigantic rainbow, and started to walk to the bank, but I realized I had left all of my home bank's information. Whoops! Guess I'll have to make another trek out there on Monday. At least I know how to get there on my own now.

I went in to work to plan for a bit before we had a graduation ceremony. The three afternoon summer course classes are "graduating" to the next level beginning next week. There wasn't many parents who were able to attend, maybe only eight or so. Each student had to prepare a dialogue with another peer or read their own summary of their last four weeks. The youngest group had a dialogue about their likes and which country that we studied during over the last month that they would like to visit. They did a very good job and were excited to present in comparison to the older students. The next class was the oldest group who did these hysterical dialogues as random celebrities. A pair of boys held up a quickly drawn flying car and told us about all of its powers. I thought our senior teacher Claire was brave to have her students be so free and creative in front of the parents and our boss. Finally, it was time for the class that I share with Miles to perform. They all had written summaries about what they liked about the class. One of the boys wrote a speech about China being the best country using Rev. Dr. King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech's pattern. It got the biggest round of applause. If he is attending the second half of the course next week I will have to ask him if he thought of it all by himself. I bet he did.

I taught my favorite every other week upper elementary class tonight. The class has been canceled in the last couple of weeks because many of the students have been traveling. I only had three students this evening and they told me all about their adventures at the World Expo. They told me what I should see. One student loved the ice cream from Iceland and another loved Turkey's food. One student waited for ten hours to get into China's pavilion. I'm hoping to maybe go during our bank holiday in October. I've been looking into train tickets and hostels and I think it would be doable!


  1. Sounds like you had a great day (except for your need for a second trip to the bank). Woo Hoo---you are planning a VACATION while in China! AND during your "birthday month"...what a perfect gift to yourself for all you hard work and sacrifice! How exciting!

  2. Wow- I bet you're right and that kid DID think of the "I Have A Dream" speech idea himself. These kids are just brilliant. And, by the way, what a GREAT idea to possibly visit the World Expo! Can't wait to hear about that adventure! :)
