Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Dress Uproar

Nothing too exciting to report about from the last few days...

Yesterday, it was crazy hot and muggy, but no sunshine. The sky was dark all day long. Walking back from the gym I saw this busload of little ones arriving in front of a medical care center and they were dressed in pink princess dresses and tuxedoes. It was pretty cute. I just taught one class yesterday evening. I had planned a lesson with a lot of games, but only two students showed up. Uh oh! However, they were both new students so it wasn't so bad.

Today, the school was closed to students because their families had requested a day off. The students will going back to their normal school anywhere from early to mid- August so a lot of families take their summer vacations during this time. In China students get the entire month of January off, too, so that's a little different from us in the U.S. All of us showed up at one excited to plan and wear our own chosen clothing, but we were all told to put on our uniforms and that we were all suppose to help build resource material binders. I'm all about helping to make resources and lesson plans that everyone can use, but we had been told we would have the entire day to plan, catch up on our grading and get ourselves more organized. Amy, Miles and I grumbled as we colored in and traced all the alphabet worksheets for one of the small star preschool levels.

Tonight, I ran into Marie at the store after work and she showed me this ready made bowl of Japanese wheat noodles and vegetables that they sell in the "deli" area of the store. I had it for dinner and it was tasty. Marie and I hung out in my courtyard and each had a beer and chilled while swatting away at the pesky mosquitoes until it started to rain. Maybe tomorrow will be a bit cooler...

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