Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July to everyone out there!

I spent my fourth at work. I had four long classes today. I did teach about space and showed NASA clips in one class, so I felt a little patriotic!

I went out to dinner for Chinese food with a few of the other ladies from work. I really enjoy Chinese food when someone with Mandarin skills can order for me.

Our final stop for the evening was going to KTV (or karokee) at a place across the street from work in the basement. They were celebrating their opening weekend. At a KTV place you don't sing in front of a bunch of people in bar, but each group gets their very own room that looks a bit like a space station. There is a large TV that displays the music videos/lyrics, a panel to choose your songs, big couches and a cool applause machine. We sang our hearts out. There was a lot of old school Backstreet Boys that were butchered tonight.

I missed fireworks and my Mom's potato salad, but at least I got to spend the night with some fun people.

Hope you all have a fun and safe holiday! Someone please have a garden burger for me!


  1. I am proud that you sang some BSB songs :) I'll eat some potato salad for you and watch Rocky. Miss you and love you!

  2. The old school BSB videos are precious. They were definitely "boys" back then. Thanks for celebrating a little bit of the fourth for me. Miss you. Love you, little sissy!
