Monday, September 13, 2010

There Goes the Electricity Again, Part 3

I woke up in the early morning thinking that it was incredibly stuffy in my room. I then realized that the air conditioning light was off and the light from my power protector was off. There went the power again.

I woke up a few hours later, to an even stuffier apartment and crazy loud hammering and drilling coming from somewhere upstairs. It was time to wake up and get to the bank. Luckily, I brought my Ipod along and watched an episode of "Castle." Not too shabby, and I returned home with power again! Time for coffee.

I talked to Laura, my Mom and Maria throughout the morning as the incessant hammering and drilling continued. It finally stopped around lunchtime. I was laughing with my Mom over it.

I went into work. Laura and I have been talking a lot about two of my small star classes where the parents are not too happy with having me as a teacher. I'm a lot different then their last teacher who actually just ran around with them and didn't teach them how to converse with one another. Plus, I'm just not a dude, and most of the parents prefer having a foreign male teacher teach their students. Not to say that there isn't things I know I need to work on, like my graded language, but I know that I'm not awful, either. Laura observed one of my classes tonight and she thinks that we will be able to appease the parents. Luckily, at least I am feeling supported by my boss. I appreciate that a lot.

Laura and her boyfriend, Paul, and Marie and I went out to dinner at the place in our neighborhood with the yummy eggplant. I even got to take home some good leftovers this time!

I'm ready for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...there has got to be a better way to predict when your electricity needs to be re-upped...does everyone just "run out"? I mailed your box today (see the email I sent to you for details!)
