Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mid-Autumn Festival

Yesterday evening, EF put on another wine tasting event. This time it was at the apartment of the person who sells the wine. She has a really big apartment with the main room having a beautiful bar and a few long tables. There was not very many people at the event, but there were a few people from some of the other schools that I have never met and it was nice to get to know a few more teachers at EF. The wines were delicious and now I understand what it means when a wine has "legs."

Today was the official Mid-Autumn Festival day. The weather was a perfect and everyone was out and about. Even though many people in Beijing and students have the day off, shops and restaurants were still running. I went to the mall this late afternoon and got my hair cut. I went to a place called Toni and Guy that one of the other teachers told me about yesterday. The person at the front desk translated for my stylist. My stylist even had his own assistant who washed my hair and kept handing scissors and the blow dryer to the stylist. I think my hair looks nicer at a shorter length.

I took myself out to dinner at Element Fresh again. This time, I asked to sit outside, and I had a great view of a pretty full moon. I had to spend some time with the moon on its special day.

No moon cake for me, though. I can't tell any of the ingredients, but we are having our moon cake exchange at work tomorrow so I'll wait until then.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to you!


  1. Oh man...the image of you sitting outside for your meal with the full moon in busy Beijing is such a cool one! Oh Colleen, I hope you're enjoying it...!

  2. Well I STILL don't know what it means that a wine has "legs"! And it seems kinda crazy that I'm also getting a haircut at Toni & Guy next week--but at the mall in Portland. Hope you got some moon cake before you got sick and hope you are feeling much better by now Colleen... --Joanna
