Sunday, September 19, 2010

Moon Cake Secret Pal

It has been fun walking around the neighborhood and watching people buying and carrying moon cakes around everywhere. My friend, Claire, at work was telling me today that her family and friends sit outside on the official Mid-Autumn day and just stare at the moon, drink wine and talk about the future. I think that's pretty cool. We are having our own little "moon cake secret santa." We all picked a name out of a hat and have to buy a moon cake for that person. This should be interesting.

I had a full day of teaching yesterday. I feel that I am starting to build more of a rapport with one of my older group of students. They had a really fantastic teacher before me, but I think they are starting to think that even though I am a lot different then her, I can still be alright. It starting to feel better. We talked about International cuisine yesterday and we had fun describing different foods from different cultures.

I went out to dinner last night with Laura, Marie and Ryan to the little Korean restaurant near the school. They make this really good toasted bread in a tomato sauce, kind of like bruschetta, but also not like it at all. Ryan and I are trying to convince Laura to have EF support us in some way so me can visit or volunteer at a general education school to see what the students' school life is like. I hope it works out.

Today, we had no students at school, so we had time to plan because the day we get back we will be teaching our weekend classes. I didn't have enough time to plan and grade everything so I'll have a little homework myself over the holiday. We also did some training about Oral Placement Tests in the afternoon.

This evening, I went to the Lotus and bought a DVD player for myself. I watched one movie on it tonight and it is nice to watch the TV screen and not my computer. It will be nice to have friends over to watch a movie sometime.


  1. Just much un US $$ did your DVD player cost (if you don't mind sharing)? Also the idea of drinking wine, eating moon cakes, and dreaming of the future sounds WAY cool! Is that a Chinese tradition, or "foreigners-in-China" tradition? If it's Chinese in origin, then perhaps there is some home for your young dreaming, imaginative student?????

  2. Sorry many typos in my comment! Should read: "IN" US dollars and "some HOPE" for your young imaginative student! GEEZ! I can't type today!

  3. Hi Sandra! I spent 235RMB on the player- I bought the cheapest one- which is about $35 USD. My friend who told me about her family's mid Autumn festival is Chinese, but they live in a province a few away from Beijing's, so I don't know much about what people in Beijing traditionally do. I have another friend that told me it is a day her grandmother demands she spends her entire day with!
