Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alarm Clock Craziness...

I had a busy, work filled "weekend." I am trying to implement some phonics into my elementary and high school level classes. It feels so much more natural in the preschool classes, but the older students, of course, need it to. A few of my classes were receptive to it, but one of the older classes just thinks I am pretty crazy. Teenagers...

Early this morning, I woke up in the middle of the night and realized my alarm clock had stopped working! I was thrashing around my apartment at two in the morning trying to find batteries that, of course, I didn't have! I found another old alarm clock from Outdoor School days that I still had in a suitcase, and miraculously, it worked!

Luckily, I got up and at work at time. It could have been bad.

This morning, I taught a new class that I am taking over for our senior teacher that left to become the Director of Studies at a new EF school (Which doesn't even have a bathroom... the teachers and all the kids have to go out to a public bathroom in a mall next door... Not the most brilliant way to cut a few corners). Anyway... they are a lovely group of five and six-year-olds. One little boy, a Leo, is already so tall and solid for a child his age. He ran up to hug me at the end of the class and he slammed in to me! So funny.

I think I've mentioned the Marco Polo videos we watch at the end of the elementary and high school classes. They are videos filmed by two EF teachers, an American woman named Christina, and a Frenchman named CoCo. They have been traveling the globe this past year going from city to city around the world. They have made about forty videos so far. They are arriving in Beijing soon, and EF is hosting a student talent show for them. From my classes over the weekend, I've signed up one boy to sing a Michael Jackson song, one student to show off her fencing skills, one student is singing a Taylor Swift song, and one student singing a Chinese song. I wish I could go to the talent show, but it is on a Saturday, and there is no way I'm getting out of my classes for that!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Captain's Log: 17 Weeks...


  1. No Big Girl, it's not the teenagers... it's just you. bahaha! :) Just kidding.

  2. Awesome save on the alarm clock situation! You are ON IT! Thank god you figured it all out... Primo move, Becky. Also, I can't believe that new EF school DOESN'T HAVE A BATHROOM!??! WHAT THE... ?!?! And finally, I wish you could see that talent show and video it for all of us! I'd love to see it! But, alas...

  3. EF is one of the biggest corporations in China. They can afford a bathroom. Seriously... They are hiring college kids to just take students from the school to the mall to the bathroom. EF teaches three-year-olds. That's a long walk.

    I would love to see the talent show, too... Saturday is one of my heaviest teaching days so there's no way they will be letting anyone go for that.
