Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Leaving Do

Yesterday was a busy day off. I took the bus to do some International banking. I was a little nervous because the teller who helped me only had two stars lit up on her name plate and the other two tellers on either side of me both had four stars. Luckily, everything worked out fine and I think that teller deserves an extra star.

Then, I went shopping for my friends' leaving do party that evening. I bought on behalf of the staff, each a set of earrings. I had been wandering around aimlessly for so long in the store thinking of a lot of possibilities, but the earrings seemed the most interesting. Luckily, both Amy and Claire liked them.

We all met up for dinner at a restaurant called Tree by the Yard. It was a nice little place and it had Western food. I had a veggie quiche that was delicious and a nice green salad. It was nice to chat with Amy for a bit since I hadn't seen her since she had started her new job.

Eventually, some people went home, including Amy who starts work super early, and the teacher who worked that evening arrived, so we moved on to sit outside a bar in the village and had a beer. It was really nice eating outside. I've missed doing that at home. The weather was just perfect, not too humid but not chilly either. This bar area in Sanlitun attracts lots of tourists and it was kind of odd that mostly the only Chinese people who were there were people who worked in the restaurants, bars and dance clubs. We found a tiny hole in the wall dance club where it was just us, the DJ, a few cute French backpackers and a few other people. It was really fun and Claire had a good time, so that's what mattered.

Today, I slept in late and talked on Skype with Meghan and Angela which was wonderful! I watched some tv online and read and spent some time at the gym. I went over to Marie's for dinner and we found Ryan leaving to get some food, too, so he joined us for dinner and we watched a movie. We were all pretty tired from the night before.

It was a successful weekend.


  1. Hooray for success! It sounds like you had a lovely time, and I'm super glad to hear that you are doing things that are more than working hard. Are you still trying to learn Mandarin? I may have missed an update on that, and I'm curious. Love You!

  2. Hi Jean! Thanks for your comment. I still want to learn some Mandarin, but I haven't checked into classes lately. I should do that tomorrow. I need enough to understand "Firefly" at the very least. Love you!
