Monday, September 20, 2010

Great Aunt Claire

My Dad told me today that my Great Aunt Claire passed away a few days ago. She lived to be 91-years-old and outlived all of my grandparents. I knew that her health had been declining rapidly the last few weeks, but I still wasn't expecting it.

My Aunt Claire was a true original. I only saw her maybe once or twice a year on average, but she always made an impression. I have silly memories of her always wearing purple and creating extraordinary purple accessories. I remember her bringing over a few "gentlemen" friends and giving my parents and my aunt and uncle alcohol she made in her basement! It made an impression on the little girl me. I was always happy to see her because she always turned our nice family gatherings into something fantastic.

I was thinking a lot about her today as I puttered around the neighborhood and my apartment. My mind continued to return to the fact that Aunt Claire was truly an individual. She lived life her way and she never seemed, in my eyes, apologetic for her actions or words. She honestly said what she felt, even though sometimes it was controversial for our family, and I admire that very much. She lived through so much change in our world and I am sure that many times she was rejected by certain groups of people because she wasn't conventional.

The last time I saw her was on Christmas. She wasn't in the best of health then, but she was still spunky and made sure her thought were heard by the family. She liked the idea of me working in China.

I'm sad that I won't be home to celebrate her life with my family, but I like to think she might be smiling down of my adventures here now.

Here's to you, Aunt Claire! Thank you for being a model of living your life as your most authentic self. I'm going to miss you and the world will never be the same again without you, but as my Mom said on the phone, Heaven is not going to be the same either. I like to think there's a lot more purple and rebel rousing!


  1. Sad news, Colleen. I loved this post in honor of your Great Aunt Claire, Colleen! She sounds a lot like the amazing great aunts I have lost in the last years. It's so great to be blessed by such inspirational women in life! Cheers to them! LOVE YOU!!! (You're one of those women to me)

  2. Thank you, Laura. That means a lot to me.

  3. It sounds to me that maybe you're a bit like your Aunt; you're spunky, and adventurous, and I'm sure you're right: she's probably giving you a big thumbs up on your journey :-) Love you much Colleen ♥♥♥
