Friday, September 10, 2010

Teacher's Day

Today was teacher's day in China. EF paid for a pizza lunch for all the teachers and the customer relations staff at work today which was really fun. I even got my own individual pizza since I am the one "vegetarian" of the group. Well, first they ordered a pizza with baby shrimp all over it that still had their heads and I just didn't want to pick that off... so i tried to be as appreciative as possible of them ordering another pizza for me! The customer relations staff gave all the teachers cards which are lovely and definitely will be a keepsake.

We had a teacher's meeting where the Americans and Miles were put in charge of putting together Halloween. Last year, there was a big party for all the students and their families and I think it will be fun to help plan for it.

I taught just one class this evening. I only had three students, but we were talking about International food, so it was really fun. I even got a rose from one of my students for teacher's day.

However, one of the best parts of my day was as I was walking home from the gym tonight. I looked up to the sky and I saw four stars. It was a lovely way to end a good day.


  1. I'm glad you had such a good day. :)

    Oddly enough, I actually was looking up in the sky the other night and thought, "So, Colleen could be seeing these same stars in 12 hours... I feel closer to her!" It was a total Fivel Goes West moment.


  2. "And even though I know how very far apart we are
    It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star"

    That's awesome because I thought about that a few weeks ago when the moon was looking like something out of a Halloween kids book. Pollution hinders a bit of the magic of it all, but I can still hear that little mouse sing! I just get what the little guy was singing about now.

    Miss you.

  3. ok! I'm crying now! Ahhhh! I can't wait to hug you in person!!! :)
