Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting Back to It...

I made in to work today! I was slow and pretty grumpy early in the morning, but it felt good to just be able to be there. Not my best day of teaching ever, but luckily many of my students were not there because they were still enjoying the holiday with their family. All the students in China have to go to school this weekend, so we were making up our normal weekend classes yesterday and today. Tomorrow, we have small star training in the afternoon and then most of us are making up our normal Monday evening classes in the evening.

Everyone at work was super sweet to me and made me feel grateful that I get to work with the people that I get to work with. I even returned to have a moon cake waiting for me. A pumpkin one. I haven't tried it yet since I'm keeping my food pretty bland, but I'm excited for it.

I also got two pieces of mail! I got a package from Sandra and Laura that is just fantastic! I can't wait to eat a box of mac and cheese when I feel better in a few days. I've already started drinking the tea though! Thank you so much!

Uncle Ladd sent me an awesome letter today that also made my day! Thank you Uncle Ladd! It arrived on a day when I needed some encouragement.

Mom and Maria, thanks for talking to me on the phone a lot yesterday even when I had really nothing to say. It did make me feel better.

Meghan and Crystal- Thank you for the pep talks earlier this week.

I feel really, really lucky that I have so many people, in two countries now, giving me a lot of support and love.

Happy Birthdays to Maria and Reilly!


  1. got the package in 12 days!!! Woo-hoo. Check your email, I have the "contents" there. Glad you are feeling better...if you're not ready for M&C try the vegetarian broth...I have had it before. It is very flavorful and might be just what your tummy needs!

  2. So glad you're feeling better! I came home from work and headed straight for the computer to see if there was any word from you on how you're doing. Glad you got some moon cake, too. Just had our first pumpkin desserts here yesterday, too. Now it's officially fall... --Joanna

  3. Thanks for the b-day wishes Auntie-Godmom! I couldn't find my camera, so when I get some pics from other people I'll put them all together and send you a care/growth package! ♥♥♥ Glad you're feeling better!
