Friday, September 3, 2010

Observation Conversation

This morning, I chatted with my friend Laura online and we had to dial each other over and over again because Skype was just being awful or my Internet connection was acting up. Either way, it was good to talk to her. My new friends here are wonderful, but sometimes you just need to talk to someone who has been your friend for most of your life!

I had my observation review with Laura today. We had a really awesome conversation about teaching. It's funny how much we talk in the staff room about our plans and activities, we rarely talk about how we think about what we are teaching and what really happens while we are teaching. It was nice to have someone tell me what I can improve on. I've never taught this way before, and with the exception of my online TEFL certification course, I haven't even studied how to be an ELL teacher. We had a really long talk and we have set up some new goals for me. We had a good laugh about how I crazily write things on the board sometimes when I am trying to make a point.

We had a long teacher's meeting about a bunch of new things and upcoming holidays. We are getting a new teacher from England on Monday that everyone is pretty excited about.

Today was also picture day. We have a teacher's profile wall by the computers in the lobby that have teachers' pictures and a little "About Me" next to them. Most of the teachers have left in the last few months so most of us had to be photographed and had to write up our little profiles.

I taught one elementary level class this evening. Our theme was dreams and nightmares. Only one student was vocal about her pretty amazing dreams. It was a bit of a rough go of a class.

I had dinner at a hot pot place with Marie and Laura tonight. We had taro root and it was delicious. We were the last people in the restaurant and they turned the lights out on us! Time to go!

I want to give a special shout out to my "adopted" little brother Dylan. Happy Birthday to you! You are cheersing me from the September picture on my calendar!

1 comment:

  1. <3 it's always great to talk to you. Thanks for the sweet compliment, oh oldest friend (as in longest) of mine!
