Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Demon that Took Over My Body like Sigourney Weaver in Ghostbusters

I had to make the awful call to stay home from work today. I had been stomach sick all night and this morning. We were teaching our Saturday set of classes today to make up for the holiday. In China, if there is a holiday, you still have to make up your school work day on the weekend, which is kind of like not really having a day off, but I digress... It was a rough call to make to the boss because they had to cancel my classes and scramble around people's schedules in order for other teachers to take my older classes. I also loose one day of annual leave because they don't give sick days at EF. I don't like that.

I have a lot of theories about why I got sick. It could have been because I had a salad last night with chicken and cheddar cheese which are two things that I have not had in a long time here. It could have been from a ton of other things.

It sucks to be sick anytime, anywhere, but for me, it feels so much worse so far away from home. A few of my friends sent me texts from work to check up on me which was really nice.


  1. Oh no! Feel better!!!

    And, I just have to say, I love this title; made me chuckle :-D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks, Crystal! Glad you liked the title. Now I want to watch some Ghostbusters!
