Friday, June 11, 2010

World Cup Fever

Here is a few more pictures from my visit to the Temple of Heaven, and of course, Bartholomew.

Everyone had World Cup Fever today at work. We were all suppose to go out and watch the opening ceremonies together as a big group at the bar, but someone realized that it was on TV, and everyone decided to just go home and watch it. I was bummed, and right now they are just playing the games, so I missed out the big opening ceremony. We have a pool going at work for which team is going to win. The thing was, we couldn't decide for ourselves and had to pick out of a hat. I ended up with South Korea.

I had my first High Flyer (Elementary aged) open doors program tonight. There was only four students at class today because the public schools are making up for their Dragon Boat Festival by extending their school day into the evening. I also learned that the Dragon Boat Festival isn't this weekend, like I though, but on Wednesday. We get this weekend off because all of our students are making up for their three day holiday by taking their classes this weekend at their public schools. We have it so easy in the U.S. These kids don't ever get a true "day off."

Anyway... the open door program went very well. The students seemed to impress their family members and only one parent at the end asked me to have them speak longer sentences. Overall, I felt it was successful!


  1. I am sorry you got South Korea. You really have no chance! Glad to hear everything is going so well.

  2. Thanks Alex. I don't have my hopes up.

  3. I agree with Alex. There's NO WAY South Korea will win! Sad! I'm rooting for Italy, of course! :) I've been texting Dr. Caputo (who is in Italy at the moment) and he's going to try and buy me a new Italian soccer jersey!! :) YAY!
