Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Case of Grossness...

I went to bed feeling like something was just not quite right. I woke up at 2 AM feeling awful and I finally threw up an hour later. Gross... I managed to get a few hours of sleep though.

I woke up at seven to call my boss and senior teacher to let them know I wasn't going be able to make it to the summer class workshop today. I was still being sick and watched The Princess Bride twice this morning until I was finally able to keep water down. The last time I had the flu I fainted, and I was freaked out it would happen again and I would be here completely alone.

I Skyped with my brother Alex and my Mom and Maria. It was good to talk to them, but it made me miss my Mom a lot. I got a call from work saying I either had to choose between going to a doctor's office that I had no clue to get to get a sick note or I had to come in and teach my classes or I had to take this as a one of my holiday days. I did not want to go to a doctor's, and I did not want to loose a holiday, so I went in at 5:30 to teach my two classes. I did re-read my contract on sick time, and it just said they would dock your pay by 60% for the day if you took a sick day during your first 90 days. I'm going to try to have some conversations with a few other teachers I really trust before going in to the boss tomorrow to see what the true scoop is. I work with kids, so I am sure I'm going to take another sick day in the year.

So, to sum up my two classes tonight, we colored. A lot. They loved it.

I've been developing several theories about why I got sick with some of my co- workers and my Mom.

1. I caught something from a kid.
2. I made pasta for dinner last night, and out of habit, I rinsed out the jar of spaghetti sauce with some tap water and added it to the pot. I went back and boiled it, but maybe?
3. My friend Sarah said that often vegetables go bad when it is so hot outside. She is blaming the eggplant I added to the pasta.
4. My body did not like the Russian food.
5. I didn't wash a fruit or vegetable as well as I should have.

I'm feeling so much better then I did an awful night ago, and am ready to just move on from this week of sickness. Right now, I don't think I'll be eating pasta anytime soon.


  1.'s really tricky to avoid that water faucet, but you've GOTTA do it! Don't brush your teeth or touch your eyes, mouth, nose with any tap water likewise you are washing your fruits and vegy's with BOILED water, yes? Sounds like a food related illness (but the Russian meal sounds well cooked "temperature hot" so I would doubt that was the problem). Can you purchase any Propel type water or 7-up to have "on-hand". With that heat you need to be on alert for dehydration when you are vomiting and not keeping fluids down. Also ginger tea, pepperment tea...soothes the GI track. Glad you are feeling better. Take care.

  2. Oh man!! I'm sorry that happened! I've always maintained that the WORST sicknesses are when you're sick and not home. I'm glad you are feeling better, though. And yeah, that's CRAP that you had to go to work. :( You're a trooper, though. So, I guess my overall comment is "keep on pluggin' away". LOVE YOU!!!!

  3. Hi Sandra, Laura!

    Thank you! Sandra, I haven't been cleaning the vegetables that I cook with boiled water, so I am going to start doing that. I usually leave raw fruits and vegetables that I eat in a bowl with tap water and fruit and veggie wash for a bit and then rinse them, and then rinse them again with "clean" water. I've really started to take stock of my cooking and cleaning habits after this sickness though. I appreciate all the suggestions. Please keep them coming!


