Thursday, June 10, 2010

Resident Visa and Passport Back in my possession and survival of my first Parent Open Door classes: Check and Check!

Here's a few pictures from the Hall of Sacrifice from yesterday's outing. The first is people playing card games in the Hall. The second is Bartholomew enjoying some people watching. The final picture is of the hall's ceiling. I thought it was pretty cool!

Today was a big work day. I got my Resident's Visa and passport back. I'm good to go to live here until April 10th even though my contract is not up until May. I wrote my representative today to ask about that problem and she wrote back saying if I was still working here then they would add a month's time to it. It really instilled confidence...

I had my first two open door classes tonight. Open door classes in EF speak are specific classes that schedule the parents to come in and watch the class. In the preschool programs, I just have to tell the parents about myself and then just hold a regular class period. For elementary, middle and high school crowd, teachers have the first hour with the students to practice for the second hour with their parents. I learned that my preschoolers were much more behaved with their caregivers in the room. My first class acted like little perfect beings, with the exception of one boy who refused to move to another chair after a little tiff with another student. My second class actually really excited about having their caregivers in the room and were very much, "Check me out, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and other relatives." They went a little crazy, as this class does, during the 8:00-8:15 PM block of time. I tried to get them all together to sing the official "Good-bye" song (complete with some awesome dance moves), but I just gave up on it and starting pulling them off the tables like normal. I felt a bit embarrassed by the otherwise usual chaos because the parents were in the room, but the parents seemed to all leave pretty happy with the situation. I'm hoping they all understand that four-year-olds are just tired at that time of night.

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