Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mother Nature's Thunder and Lightening Show

I just got home from picking up some groceries when it a huge thunder and lightening storm started and has been going strong all evening. I'm hoping it will really help clear the air and maybe tomorrow won't be as muggy as today.

I went to Jennifer's church today to see what it was like, but I ended up learning more about China. I told Jennifer that I noticed that there wasn't any local Chinese people in the congregation and I thought that was odd. She told me that foreigners and the people of China are not allowed to have any sort of religious ceremony together. I had gotten there late after getting on a subway going the opposite direction, so I had missed the person checking passports to let people into the restaurant that holds their celebrations. (Also a plus since I had no clue about this and do not carry my passport on me). Over lunch, Jennifer told me that even if foreigners attend a prayer meeting in a local person's home, they could get their hosts in trouble with the government. It made me appreciate where I come from, where people can celebrate what they choose or choose not to believe in as long as it does not physically hurt other people.

Captain's Log: 5 Weeks Down!

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