Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pasta for dinner tonight!

Here's the last bit of pictures from the Lama Temple. The first is of the main entrance. The second is of the courtyard, and the third is a side angle shot of my building.

I had a long day at work, but still good. I taught a preschool class this morning. It is so, so much better to teach preschoolers at nine in the morning instead of eight o'clock at night. They are able to concentrate much better and are excited to be there, and so am I! I prepped for awhile for my parent open doors class this afternoon, but it was canceled at the last second. I was glad to have a lot planned since the class went through many more activities then most classes go through. It was fast paced and fun. We read Eric Carle's A Very Hungry Caterpillar and they loved it. I read it to them twice. Sadly, the only English story books we have hear are Carle's classic and a children's book Ricky Gervais wrote.... I wish I brought some from home now.

My last class of the day was an upper level class and they were pretty obnoxious. They were really rude and wouldn't stop talking even when I had their peers present. It was a rough way to end the day.

However, after work I checked out a new grocery store Sarah told me about. It is only a couple of blocks away from my apartment. It is a huge department store that includes a grocery. It sells some Western products, much more so then the Lotus. I was able to find salad dressing (which is a rare find here) brown sugar to sprinkle a little on my oatmeal in the morning and whole wheat bread! Very exciting stuff. I splurged and bought some pasta and tomato sauce. I had it tonight with a salad and it made me feel a little closer to home.

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