Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday = My Sunday

I had a pretty lazy day today, so nothing too crazy to report. Cleaned up the apartment, went grocery shopping where I found some instant coffee that wasn't too expensive ( and waited in a line for over 30 minutes!) and got caught up on "The Bachelorette." Very important stuff. I also had a long Skype talk with Laura, and she had such perfect timing. I was feeling lonely and she called at just the right time. It made my day so much better!

Here are a couple more pictures from yesterday. The first is of one of the many Lama Temples. The next is a large mass of burning incense that had been deserted. The last is entrance of my apartment complex. I always like seeing the rings. I think that is what made the biggest impression on me as I was searching for apartments. I do live in a "gated" community now. There is a guard outside that checks everyone's IDs as they enter and exit the premises. There is actually a lot of guards around the complex. There is one posted in front and outside of each apartment building and there is always one milling about the grounds at all hours. It's definitely the most secured living area I've ever lived in.

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