Monday, June 21, 2010

Not the only American anymore...

Today, was a much better day. I am still on the mend, but my sore throat is nothing compared to what it was on Saturday and Sunday. I was able to relax all morning and I didn't go into work until 2, which was lovely.

I spent most of my time at work today planning my presentation for tomorrow's big Beijing Kids and Teens Conference. It was originally titled "Goofy Songs and Icebreakers" but now I've just made it into icebreakers. Why pressure myself with the song part? I'm hoping that it'll be at least fun for the participants!

Amy brought in some household things for Marie and me today after doing some cleaning. I inherited a few new glasses and a cutting board! She also brought me some more of her awesome herbal drink powder stuff that helped me sleep last night! She's so sweet.

The new American teacher stopped by for a bit today. His name is Nick and he is from Arizona, so his accent isn't anything too different from my own. He seems really nice and I was able to assure him that I also woke up at 4 AM ready to go for about the first week.

I had a lot more energy for my classes tonight, which was a really good thing. The child that I've had problems in the past about hitting other children was really in a dark place tonight. I had him taken out of the class four times in one hour for first hitting his peers, then our TA, and finally, myself. It makes me sad to imagine what his home life must be like. My second class was healthily robust, but did not involve any major mishaps.

I'm going to try to get a lot of sleep tonight so I'll feel better, enjoy the conference and my boss's Lithuanian theme good-bye party tomorrow evening!

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