Saturday, June 26, 2010

Celebrating a new start from afar...

Today is one of those days that I wish warp speed was really possible. My good friends Meghan and Brian are getting married today and I am sad that I am not there. All of my best wishes are with them though...

I finally found and signed up for my neighborhood's gym today for a month just to try it out. Mission accomplished. It took a few wrong turns and a trip through what is a very lovely neighborhood park, but I made it there. It only took seven people speaking Chinese, one letter written in Chinese from my friend Stephanie explaining what I wanted, one really nice gym patron who could do some translating and myself! And I thought signing up for 24 Hour Fitness was a bit of an ordeal... Ordeal has a whole new meaning to me now. The gym is very clean and air conditioned. There isn't a huge amount of equipment, but definitely all that I need. Plus, all the Chinese game shows that I want while on the machines! There is a swimming pool and they also hold yoga classes. I am good to go!

Nothing too exciting at work today. We are all gearing up for my friend's Sarah's last day and our boss's last day tomorrow. We are all going out to a nice dinner tomorrow night after work. I gotta pick out one of my two dresses that I brought here for the occasion. Oh, the choices! I hope to take some good pictures of my new friends here to share.

This week has been a little rough, but I've learned a lot, and I know it could have been so, so much worse. I found this quote from the author of Eat, Pray, Love that has given me a bit of perspective....

"I thought about one of my favorite Sufi poems, which says that God long ago drew a circle in the sand exactly around the spot where you are standing right now. I was never not coming here. This was never not going to happen."
— Elizabeth Gilbert


  1. Love that book. =] Have a great time tonight at dinner! I'll think of you at the wedding, and get pictures up as soon as I'm able. ♥♥♥ I'll give Meghan your love and best wishes...

  2. Your new gym sounds great, Colleen! :) I'm happy for you about that. I think having a comfortable place to exercise will make you feel even more "at home" in China. Excited to see some pics of your new friends there! :) Love you!!! :)

  3. Hi Crystal! Thank you for sending them my bests! I appreciate it.

    Hi Laura! New pictures on fb. I'm excited to have a gym, too!

    Miss you both!
