Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nothing too exciting to report...

Hey everybody,

Nothing too exciting to report. I did wake up to fireworks being blasted from the roof across the street yesterday. Then, I noticed a couple of cars driving on the wrong side of the road, and I wasn't shocked by the sight of it. Maybe I am starting to settle a bit. I had the day off, but I woke up with a cold so I had a pretty quiet day off. I went out to search for a gym between rainstorms and thought I found one that was closed. I spent way too much time watching youtube videos of the Tony Awards!

Today, after being woken up to huge booms of thunder that I thought were signaling the end of the world ( but I noticed that everyone outside was not freaking out, and I calmed down) I went proudly back to the gym and walked in to show the person at the desk a few phrases in Chinese my friend Stephanie wrote out for me. I just got laughed at. I thought that maybe that I had not gotten far enough on the map that Claire drew for me. I kept on going until I ended up in a field someplace and I figured she probably would have mentioned walking through a disgusting field of trash. However, it was beautifully cool all day and evening. No air conditioner needed tonight!

I walked back a little defeated, but ran into our center director as I turned onto my street and I told him about my journey. He just laughed a little and turned my map around and pointed me in the right direction. I had just enough time to go home to take a shower and have lunch before work.

We only killed one cockroach today in the staff room today! I found out I got accepted into a Beginner Chinese class on Wednesdays at another EF Kids and Teens Center on our subway line. I'm pretty stocked! My classes today were a bit rough because I'm losing my voice. The children laughed at my at me. It was one of those days...


  1. Hope you can get some rest. Drink lots of fluids and get better! We had thunder and pea size hail and HEAVY rain on Tuesday...but probably nothing like your thunder!

  2. Yay for Chinese classes!! :)
