Friday, June 4, 2010

So Close to the Bird's Nest, and yet so far....

Hello Everyone! Here are a few more pictures. The first is of round thing that spings found at the Lama Temple. I overheard a group of French tourists saying that if you spin it and make it wish, it should come true. I made a wish when no one was looking. The second is of another beautiful temple. I'm not sure if it is a temple, since it was closed to the public, but I liked it. The third picture is of a traditional Hutong courtyard.

Today at our staff meeting, we learned that our boss is actually leaving a bit earlier, the end of June instead the beginning of July. We learned that we are getting two new teachers this month, a woman from Australia, and a man from the U.S.!

I had a very fun class this evening of third and fourth graders, and one fifth grader who really probably should be moved up. We learned about vacations and weather today and how to express like, don't like, hate and love. Heavy subjects. We talked about our favorite vacations and I showed them pictures online of my trip to Oahu to visit Kelsey and her family. They thought flower leis looked stinky though!

I went out to dinner with Cindy and Shirley from work. We rode the bus to Shirley's neighborhood, which is actually very close to the Lama Temple. On the bus ride over, I finally spotted the Bird's Nest. I hope to go over and visit it soon. I even learned that I can go swim in the same pool as Phelps! That would be fun!

Shirley directed us to a Chinese restaurant in a Hutong neighborhood that once housed Confucius's school! There are really no remains, but it is still an important place for the people that live here. The restaurant served Chinese food, but it looked like a posh Western restaurant with big, comfy chairs and balcony seating. Shirley was telling me that many new Chinese restaurants are trying to create a Western feel but still keep the Chinese style cooking. We shared a spicy fish dish, a peppers dish, and a tofu and veggies hot pot. It was all so lovely and it was nice to have dinner with people! Shirley is still working on her English and I absolutely know no Chinese, but Cindy was able to help us translate, and it worked out really well. They taught me to say "Waiter" to bring over the check in Chinese and made me try it out! They said I did ok. I'll have to keep working on it.

It's about two minutes away from my brother Patrick's birthday here in China. Happy Birthday, Patrick, from the future!

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