Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Crummy Weekend...

It was just one of those weekend when nothing goes quite your way... I woke up with a full on bad cold on Saturday. I had been having a sore throat for a few days before, but Saturday's sore throat was the worst. I dragged myself to work, and it was already very, very hot outside before 8:30 in the morning. Luckily, I only had to teach one small preschool class and had some time to plan for the rest of the weekend.

I had to substitute for a class at another school across town in the afternoon. I had given the taxi driver the school's directions written in Chinese and he ended up dropping me quite far away from the school. Luckily, one of the customer relations workers was able to rescue me over the phone, and at the end, by foot. It was a really large class and it is always hard to not know the students' names when coming into a classroom. I had created an interactive vocabulary power point for them, but it wasn't downloading, so I had to come up with new plans on the spot. It could have been worse, but it wasn't fun. I hung around at that school on an OPT shift, but no students came in to be tested. I finally got back home after waiting in traffic for over a half an hour.

Today, I was happy to wake up to a seriously less sore throat, but I sound worse now, even though I feel much better. I checked Facebook this morning and realized that it was the evening of The Lion King with the family and Meghan's Bachelorette party in Portland. It made me all homesick on top of the cold. My friends at work were really, really sweet and caring though. Amy brought in some nice tasting cold and flu herbal drink for me and Miles told me he went through the same thing when he was just six weeks in like I am. Sarah told me that it is just my body finally adjusting from the beautiful Northwest clean air to this madness.

Tonight, I made plans to meet up with a girl coming in from Florida today to have dinner together. We've been e-mailing since the online community was set up for incoming teachers in March. I went over to her hotel after work, and she wasn't there. There could have been some confusion, but I still was cranky getting right back on the hot subway.... It's bad when the outside is cooler then the "air conditioned" inside.

Anyway, I am home now in my nicely air conditioned space, counting my mosquito bites, (gotta pick up some spray tomorrow!) and ready to say good-bye to this weekend.


  1. Oh dear! I hope you continue to be "on the mend". I think your friend is correct..your body is trying to adjust to the big difference in climate. Can you get plenty of fresh fruits and extra vitamin C? I am so glad you have a comfortably air conditioned apt! Hope your week improves. If it's any consolation it feels like October here: wet, cold, dark...yucky!

  2. Thank you, Sandra. I am getting a lot of fresh fruit and veggies, especially since I'm still nervous around most anything else!

  3. We talked about you at Meghan's bachelorette party, and those that didn't know you were in China are way impressed and wish you tons of luck! A few of us had a shot in your name!
    Hope you're feeling better my friend... You're amazing! ♥♥♥

  4. Thank you so much Crystal, I am feeling a lot better! I was thinking of all you so much on the day of the bachelorette party and my thoughts obviously got there! I love that I was able to be there in spirit!
