Friday, June 25, 2010

No Puke Today!

Much better day, today. I slept a solid 13 hours last night and felt like a new person today.

I talked to my boss at work today and asked her to go over the sick leave policy. I was right in discovering that I just get paid at 60% for the day, but I do need a doctor's note for that. It is written in a totally different clause then the rest of the sick leave part and I am sure it is tricky to find for a reason. I am going to get paid for the full day since I did show up to teach, but she told me in the future it is best to come in, lie in a classroom feverish, and be sent home. One of the teachers did that a few weeks ago, and I though he was crazy, but I now understand the madness. My boss reassured me that she completely trusted that I was truly sick, and that made a big difference to me, too.

Marie and I are both taking over some of the Demo classes on the weekends starting tomorrow. Demo classes are classes for perspective families. The children are taught an introductory lesson while their families watch sitting behind us. Marie and I both did a practice run with the office staff and our boss today as children. It's always a little nerve wracking to practice those things with adults, but I am glad I got the opportunity before the parents come in. I never signed up for selling classes, though!

I taught one elementary level class this evening. We talked about adjectives relating to the human body. The students helped me brainstorm a long list of adjectives. It was really cute.

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