Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Whoops! There goes the lights again...

Yesterday was my first small stars summer morning class that I have had to teach. Four of the students in the class are actually in my other classes, so I didn't have to work too hard on developing a rapport or setting expectations with the students. The preschool summer course is designed to incorporate drama activities into an expanded "normal" preschool class. At the end of the class period, the students watch a video about Roddy and his friends and then they have to mime the video with the help of the TA and myself. The students enjoyed picking out which characters they wanted to be, but weren't too interested into performing in front of the camera! They were more intrigued with the fake fishing pools they were given as props. I couldn't really blame them.

I taught my elementary class in the afternoon. I didn't get locked out of the class, so it was a successful class day!

My power went out in my apartment around 10:30 last night. Luckily, I didn't have anything perishable in the fridge. It was rather warm night in my apartment though.

I went to add more money to my electricity card at the bank when it opened this morning. At least this time I knew what to do! It's good to have electricity again, especially the air conditioner.

I spent a lot of my day on Skype and watching "The Bachelorette." I went to a mall to see the movie "Toy Story Three" in 3D and in English with Chinese subtitles. The movie theater was really nice. Much nicer then the theaters I usually go to at home. The theater was super clean and at the ticket counter, you actually pick out your seat number. I ended up being right in the middle of the third row. There were a couple of families way up top behind me. The movie was adorable and it was a fun treat. It took myself out to a nice dinner of a delicious salad at the same restaurant I went to about a month or so ago. I then went on the great search for shampoo and conditioner at the posh grocery store in the basement of the mall. It was really hard to find a set with the English words "shampoo" and "conditioner" that weren't really, really expensive. We'll see how it goes.


  1. How was the movie? I'm glad you took yourself on a date! That's more than I do! :)

  2. The movie was really sweet, and much better then I thought it would be. I get so emotional watching big life transitions now. You should go see it. It was fun in 3D.
