Sunday, August 22, 2010

Parents, Parents Everywhere

My school weekend was full of talking to lots of parents through translations. Today, I had an open door class with a group of students that I have only taught once. Luckily, they are a great class and I tried to make the work we did in front of their parents fun and casual. The class has seven 12-18 year old girls. They are all at such different maturity levels, but have about the same English language ability. Today, I asked them to tell me about their favorite places to visit in Beijing and where they all bought their smoothies during the break. I think we will be learning a lot from each other.

I had a parent orientation meeting today for a class that I have been teaching since I arrived that is melding with another small class. Only a few parents attended, but I think we will be able to make a fresh start with them.

I was so tired after my classes and had to wait around for our staff meeting, but I got a pleasant surprise from Meghan via mail! She sent me a few pictures that they had as table decorations at their wedding. Too cool!

Tonight, I went out to dinner with Marie and her boyfriend, King, Claire, Laura and Ryan the new teacher. We went to the restaurant Laura and Claire took me to my third night I was here. The place has the best eggplant I have ever tasted and carmelized sweet potatoes that are so yummy! Annie Erickson, when you arrive over Spring break, this place will be one of your first stops!

Captain's Log: 15 Weeks...

1 comment:

  1. 15 weeks already and you're a seasoned teaching veteran! WOO! :D
