Monday, August 2, 2010

First Day of Summer Course Part II

Today was the start of the second term of summer school at work today. Everybody was all panic-y and running around. Gotta love it.

I am now co-teaching a mid elementary class in the afternoons. Today, there was only six students, but it might continue to grow. They are a fun group of students and are eager to share their ideas and answers much more quickly and earnestly compared to the young teenagers, so that was quite refreshing. They also thought it was hysterical to lock me out of the classroom after I fetched them back from the break. I put on my sternest look and made up this huge story of what would happen if you lock me out and someone gets really hurt. They were very cooperative after that talk! I talked to the teacher who had them over the first half of the summer and he told me that they had locked him out every day! There might be some more talks.

I taught my two green small star preschool classes this evening. The violent one's mom kept peeking into the classroom and opening up the door to tell her son things. It was annoying and, of course, all the other kids would stop paying attention to our activity and listen to his mom, too. It was a bit rough. I'm always happy when Monday evenings are over with.

I'm teaching a small stars summer drama course in the morning. I'm sure it will be interesting!


  1. It sounds like we now know the contributing factors for violent kids behavior...sounds like Mom needs to practice some "social/people" skills too. Can your boss deal with that situation? I assume there must be expectations of parent's conduct and disturbing your class effects ALL of your students! Yikes!

  2. Oh, that Mom is kind of nutty. EF usually lets the parents do whatever they want since they are the customer. We are encouraged to put up paper over the door's windows so the parents can't peek in. I don't do that because of my American educational system background. It's not a good idea to not let anyone see what's going on in a classroom anywhere.

  3. good call on not papering the window, Colleen. I think you're right. Buuuuut it sucks that the mom still has to open the door and talk to her psychotic son! And good luck with the drama class! FUN! :)
