Friday, August 6, 2010

An angry bank crowd

I spent my morning at the bank today trying to wire money. I waited for about an hour and a half in the lobby with lots of other people. The most exciting part of the wait was one dude came up to the teller when his number was called and said, what I guessed, was hold on a minute, while he ran back outside for something. The anxious crowd got pissed and there was yelling. It was great! I got a little show.

The teller that I finally spoke to was a wiring champion! When I went with Laura, the teller was really nervous and it took forever. This teller went as fast as she could, the process is a bit tedious with lots of photocopying and stamping and figuring out the interest rate and entering in my passport number quite a few times! It ended up being a successful trip, at the end! I felt a bit victorious after that.

I went into work and learned that Amy got a flight for this evening. Her being gone has left a big hole in the staff room. Plus, a few of us are taking on her classes, and that is a bit stressful. I'm taking on four of her classes! It feels like a lot now, but I think that will subside in a few weeks when the summer course has finished.

I just taught one elementary level class this evening. I taught them how to make introductions. It was pretty fun.

My friends Kim and Brian are getting married today! I'm sending them lots of love from Beijing to Sandy, Oregon today.


  1. You should feel victorious about that bank trip! I can't imagine how stessful wiring money to the US must be for BOTH the teller AND you! YAY for saving money in the US vie China. :)

  2. I did feel victorious, and it was stressful, but now I feel so much more confidant about it! Next time, it will be much better, and I won't be going in the morning.
