Monday, August 23, 2010

Potty Humor

I had my second to last lesson of my summer course today. I had an entirely new group of students with an exception of one student. All of the other students had been asked to move up from the lower level class. It was exhausting. I had planned for a mid- elementary group and had a completely different set of students then what I had expected. We were learning the days of the week and one student kept saying that he only goes to the bathroom one time a week, two times a week and so on. Of course, this got the class rolling. He kept on throwing all of the various items from his pencil case everywhere and I had to confiscate it (OH NO! I'm not that teacher am I...?) and we had a long, long talk after class. We've agreed to make a do-over tomorrow. I feel bad for Marie who has this kid in a normal class.

I had two small star classes this evening. The violent one was absent, and class was going so smoothly until one of the more rowdier students showed up late with a huge bandage on his head and band-aid everywhere. The TA got out from him that a door had been slammed into his head at his grandmother's house. I felt bad for the little boy, and I felt bad for myself as chaos took over the classroom in excitement of the boy's bandages.

My last class of the evening was a parent open door class. There haven't been many students showing up for this class over the summer, and of course all ten of their for the parent open door class. They really did a fabulous job while their parents were in the room, but one little boy instigated a lot of the trouble. His parental unit asked me if he was this way in every class and I just nodded. The poor thing sighed and had to take off running after him down the hallway.

I was so ready to leave work and hit the gym. I was there again close to closing and a worker started to clean off the treadmill I was on while I was completing my cool down. It took me a little by surprise, but really, that's one of the great things about living somewhere new. There's always a lot of surprised, good and bad, every day.

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