Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My "Weekend"

My "weekend" revolved around a lot of good food!

I went out to a hot pot restaurant with Laura restaurant last night for dinner. It was so good. At this particular restaurant you pick out the type of "pot" you want, usually between something spicy and mild. They bring the pots to your table where there is a little stove on the table for each person and a temperature controller that I had off and couldn't figure out why my pot wasn't boiling through most of the meal. Next, they bring out all the vegetables, noodles and vegetables that you order and you dip them into the hot pot and eat them. It was so good!

Today, I did basic errands and picked up some delicious sushi from the little mall near our school for lunch. I also got to talk to Angela and her family on Skype which was fun. Tonight, I picked up a pizza at the Papa John's restaurant back at the mall to bring over to Claire's. I think it is pretty funny that they have a Papa John's pizza here. There's a lot of different kinds of pizza toppings here though. I got just a basic veggie pizza and it turned out to be quite good. Claire, Marie and I watched the movie "The Hangover" which I hadn't seen before. It was hysterical. I've realized I've missed watching TV and movies with other people. It's much more fun when you can laugh with other people!


  1. Colleen! So glad you are having fun and I love that movie its so outrageous! I just found out that I got an interview the the Sierra Nevada Journeys program, its a bit like outdoor school, the interview is next week! I'm so excited! It's only a temporary position through Dec. but I would be so happy to have it. Going to the post office now to put something in the mail for you ;) Keep a look out, hope it gets there safe :)

  2. Papa John's in Beijing?? I might have expected Pizza Hut or Domino's... What kind of odd toppings do they have in China? Anyway, we put a package in the mail to you...two weeks ago tomorrow I think. Hopefully it will reach you soon! Don't know if it will all still be good by now but we tried, lol! Love, Dad & Joanna

  3. Mmmm, sushi! You know, I was trying to remember the last movie I actually watched with you... Was it really The Orgasmic Birth??? That seems like such a long time ago. lol
    Love and miss you! We need to make a Skype date! Remind me of your hours again?

  4. Becky, I thought that movie was hilarious, too. It's Judy's favorite... which I find funny! I loved the scenes with the tiger and any scene where a grown man screams like a girl! hee hee! Love and miss you!!

  5. Meghan... I am so excited that you got that interview. I just looked up the program and it looks awesome. It would be perfect for you.

    Hi Dad and Joanna... They put a lot of fish on pizza here. Seafood pizzas are the big treat. I was pretty surprised to see a Papa John's, too.

    Hey Crystal... Lol... I think that was the last documentary we saw together. My hours are pretty weird right now, but I'm usually around in the mornings when it is about 6:00 PM your time, but I can make anything work on my weekend. I'd love to talk to you.

    Laura... I love any scene where the chicken is running around! Too funny. Miss you.
