Tuesday, August 31, 2010

KTV Madness

Sunday night all the teachers, with the exception of two of the local teachers that are on holiday, took the summer TAs out for a night of karaoke or KTV as it is called here. We were also celebrating the end of our summer session.

Right after the last classes ended a few of us stayed to clean up the staff room while everyone burned rubber out of the place. We then waited outside while Laura finished showing a visitor around. We made it out of the subway station and promptly got lost wandering the streets of my old hotel neighborhood. I proudly showed Miles and Claire places I tried to go into and then backed out of when I realized their was just no English menus. Eventually, we found a space ship looking restaurant and knew we were there.

We had a huge room to ourselves! There was one large TV and a bunch of other little TVs spread around the room. The only beer they had there was Coors Light which is pretty funny! The three of us American were happily surprised.

We had so much fun dancing and singing around the room. We went back and forth between Chinese pop songs and old school Western songs. It was pretty great, and I think the TAs had a good time. They work so hard for little pay and deserve so much more than one night out, but I think they had fun. I know I had a blast! I'm always game to sing with a bunch of people!

Monday at work was interesting. Everyone was suffering from lack of sleep and too many Coors Lights. It was awesome not having to teach the summer course. I enjoyed physically teaching the summer courses I taught, but it was so much work to prepare for them on top of all of my normal classes. I'm excited to give some much needed time to my normal classes again. I got caught up on all of my grading from the weekend and taught two small star classes.

Today, I woke up really late after sleeping for a solid twelve hours. I guess needed that. I went to the bank near my place to pay my water bill and waited an hour and a half! Then, I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure in Sanlitun and dinner at the Element Fresh place I have taken myself to in the past. This time, I had something akin to a chicken gyro and some juice and vegetable drink that promised to give my skin a boost! It was all delicious and I felt quite naughty actually eating some chicken since I have sworn off meat for the most part here in China.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...sounds like fun! Glad your workload will get back to normal and allow you the quality time with your students. Laura will be dragging you to out to sing here in Portland now, you know, after all that practice!!!!
