Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dancing the Night Away

My "weekend" started yesterday evening after my classes finished for the day. It is Marie's birthday today so some of the teachers went out to celebrate. We started at Marie's getting ready and had some snacks and moved on to take the subway to La Bamba. It took us awhile to get make our subway transfer because trains would stop but wouldn't let us on! Don't know what was going on with that. We eventually got on one and made our way to the restaurant. We all enjoyed some semi-good Mexican food and toasted Marie. Her boyfriend and a couple of his friends were in town visiting from another part of China so it was a big group.

Next, we went downstairs to the dance club called Propaganda where Stephanie proudly has a "ladies" card that gets her and her friends in for free and lets her buy drinks at a third of the price. I was given my own "ladies" card at the door. You know you've made it in Beijing when you have your own "ladies" card.

We had such fun dancing the night away. The club played only English music (kind of weird) but it was fun. We went to sit at a table to rest towards the end and were kicked out because another group of friends had paid 500 RMB for the table for the night. It was fun listening to Stephanie yell at the wait staff about how unfair that policy is in Chinese.

We didn't leave until close to four in the morning!

I've spent today recovering and went over to Claire's. Shay, one of the TAs came over, too, and she taught me how to traditionally make eggs and tomato. We watched a BBC miniseries that was about a romance during a strike set around the Industrial Revolution. It's been a good, chill day.

Happy Birthday, Alex!


  1. I love this post... everything about it! :) Glad you're having so much fun there!!!

  2. Thanks! We all needed a fun night after working so hard these last few weeks. I'm still a real bad dancer on the other side of the world though. Some things don't change!
